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The 71st TTA Technical Assembly Held


The 71st TTA Technical Assembly was held at TTA on Dec. 21, 2011 with agenda items such as adoption of the TTA standards At the Assembly, 323 TTA standards  including a ʻStandard of Greening Level Diagnosis Model for Data Centerʼ to implement green ICT, ʻMeasurement Method of Total Human Exposure Levels to EMFʼto measure total dose of electromagnetic waves on human body in ordinary living environment, ʻStandards of Transmission and Reception Terrestrial 3DTV Broadcastingʼ to provide 3DTV broadcasting service while maintaining compatability with the conventional terrestrial DTV broadcasting service were adopted. At the same time, 3 standards that are no longer valid due to revisions including a ʻStandard of 800 MHz Band Trunked Land Mobile Radio Systemʼ were abolished. In addition, it was resolved to propose five standards necessary in ensuring people safety and network efficiency & security, such as ʻStandard of Easy Report Service for Mobile Spamʼ and "Standard of Korean Public Alert System over LTE Networkʼ as national standards. During the meeting, Awards were presented to TTAʼs ICT standardization committees and their members that displayed outstanding performance in 2011 as well as winners of the 7th IT Standardization Thesis Contest 2011.
