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TTA IMT-Advanced (4G) Standard Approved as an ITU Recommendation

 ITU (International Telecommunication Union) held the RA (Radio Assembly) in Geneva, Switzerland from Jan. 16 (Mon.) to 20 (Fri.), 2012. At the RA, which was attended by approx. 500 participants from around 110 nations. IMT-Advanced  (4G) technology which was proposed by TTA on October 2009 officially approved as an ITU Recommendation M.2012.

IMT-Advanced Recommendation approved by RA-12 consists of technologies such as  LTE-Advanced and WirelessMAN-Advanced. During the activities for standardization in the ITU, TTA led the entire process of ITU standardization from assessment of candidate technologies proposed to ITU to coordination of standardization and completion of the draft recommendation (IMT.RSPEC). In line with ITU's IMT-Advanced standard approval, TTA standards were established for WiBro-Evolution technology and LTE-Advanced technology in June and August 2011 respectively. In obtaining the ITU Recommendation approval, TTA cooperated closely with the related international standardization organizations such as 3GPP, IEEE and CJK (China/Japan/Korea) IMT WG etc.

TTA will continue to perform its role as a leader and therefore will secure leadership earlier on for the future mobile communications technology standardization.
