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The 5th APG International Conference Held
The 5th APG-12 International Conference, the final in the Asia–Pacific region held to prepare for the World Radio-Communication Conference 2012 (WRC-12), was held from August 29 to September 3 at e Lotte Hotel Busan with approximately 400 attendants including delegations from the 36 APT (Asia Pacific Telecommunity) member states. At the conference, a total of 33 agendas were discussed for new frequency distribution of the 3.8GHz bandwidth in the broadcasting, aviation, aerospace and satellite services. In particular, as frequency shortage resulting from the rapid increase of traffic throughout the world has been raised recently as an issue of common interest, regional cooperation was achieved to secure additional frequency bands at the next conference (WRC-15/16). Key personnel attended the opening ceremony including Kim Chung-sik, KCC (Korea Communications Commission) Standing Commissioner, as well as Alan Jamieson, APG Chairman and Mr. François Rancy, ITU-R Director . Through the opening address, Mr. Kim Chung-sik said, “The APG-12 is an important conference through which to produce meaningful results concerning plans for new frequency discovery and efficient frequency use. We hope that the Asia–Pacific region will play a leading role in ITU.” 
Korea submitted a proposal containing a total of 27 agenda items by dispatching a delegation consisting of Kim Jeong-sam, director of spectrum policy division at KCC as the head and approximately 40 experts from government and private sectors.