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Broadcasting Equipment Testing & Certification Center Opening Ceremony

The Broadcasting Testing & Certification Department of TTA held a ‘ceremony for the opening of the Broadcasting Equipment Testing & Certification Center’ at TTA on November 15. More than 80 persons including Choi See-joong, Chairman of KCC(Korea Communications Commission) and important figures from broadcasting stations, industry, academia, research institutes and government agencies participated in this event. There was a tape-cutting ceremony and a demonstration of testing broadcasting equipment subject to certification. Since November 16, the Center has provided testing & certification service on the basis of test specifications developed by ‘Specifications Development Committee for Broadcasting Equipment Testing. 9 broadcasting equipment were selected by ‘Broadcasting Equipment Testing & Certification Technology Council’ as certification targets. Testing & certification service includes providing equipment for manufacturers in the process of developing their own equipment, technical assistance, consulting, interoperability testing, and benchmark test services.
