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Malaysian Representatives Make Study Visit to Korea under Developing Country Standardization Consultancy Program
As part of Developing Country Standardization Consultancy Program that TTA has implemented for enhancing standardization capabilities of developing countries, Malaysian representatives made study visit to Korea from November 22 to 25. 8 experts from Malaysian government, standardization institutions and industry entities visited Korean industry entities and R&D institutes to obtain hands-on experience in standardization activities and to strengthen relationship with Korean Industry entities. This visit included a meeting with KCC(Korea Communications Commission) for standardization cooperation on a national level, consultation with RRA(Radio Research Agency) regarding certification system and MRA, hands-on  experience in development and standardization of DMB technology/service at Dreamer-i and net&tv, discussion with KT on sharing  and cooperating on WiMAX and IPTV technology service, and a visit to ETRI to acquire expertise and experiences on Korea's leading R&D institute regarding standardization implementation. Furthermore, TTA plans to carry out the standardization consultancy program for an African country in partnership with ITU next year.