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The 7th TTA ICT Standardization Committee/ Strategy Forum/ International Standardization Experts Joint Workshop held
TTA held the ‘7th TTA ICT Standardization Committee/ Strategy Forum/ International Standardization Experts Joint Workshop’ from the 14th to the 15th of September at the Jeju Grand Hotel to provide a venue for information exchange among TTA ICT Standardization Committee, Strategy Forum and International Standardization Experts leading ICT standardization. Attendees sough ways to forge better ties so they could promote ICT standardization in Korea and lead international standardization. With 83 attendants including the leadership group of TTA ICT Standardization Committee, Strategy Forum project managers and international standardization experts, this workshop featured 7 presentations covering the latest key standardization trends in Korea and abroad regarding smart grid, mobile web application, 3DTV, e-navigation, e-publishing, M2M and mobile advertising technologies, the latest and key issues of standardization. After the presentation, the attendees engaged in lively discussions focusing on the direction of promoting standardization in the future.