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PTCRB International Testing Lab Qualification for VT Area Acquired

PTCRB International Testing Lab Qualification for VT Area Acquired

Last June, TTA acquired PTCRB International Testing Lab Qualification for VT area. To qualify for this, it acquired KOLAS Accreditation for VT area in April. Based on this, it submitted an official application to PTCRB in early June and acquired testing lab qualification for VT area  through final review by members of PTCRB during the 60th PTCRB Session on 24 june. As  technology based on IMTC technical standard, VT is used for video telephony on cell phone as well as for application programs. Through this qualification, TTA is expected to provide internationally accredited test services for various applications used in next-generation convergence terminals such as VT, USAT, MMS, A-GPS, SUPL, JAVA and thus contribute to terminals development by Korean manufacturers.
