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Publication of TTA Standardization Roadmap, Ver.2010

Publication of TTA Standardization Roadmap, Ver.2010

The annually published TTA Standardization Roadmap, Ver.2010 for ICT key technologies will be made available in January, 2010. It will be used as a basis for national standardization planning and as a guideline for standardization activities in the private sector. 

In the Roadmap, 37 key technologies including new/convergence areas such as TV WS communications, u-Navigation and Green ICT were chosen and their corresponding standardization strategies presented as a result of analyzing the overall technology standardization environment in both domestic and international markets. 

The publication consists of 8 parts including an executive summary as well as the following;

-  analyses of both domestic and international markets, technology development and status of standardization

- strategy for linking technology development and standardization for key standardization items chosen as a result of analyzing the domestic and international environment for each technology

-  Suggestions on strategic goals and a draft containing detailed strategies for

international standardization

-  Propositions of mid-to-long-term standardization plan 

The material will also be posted on TTA website.
