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The 62nd Technical Assembly

The 62nd Technical Assembly

   - 289 TTA Standards Adopted and Election of chairman for the next term (2010 to 2011)

On December 22, 2009, the 62nd Technical Assembly was held at TTA to deal with  agenda items such as the adoption of TTA standards.

This meeting adopted 289 TTA standards including ‘IPTV Service Requirements 2.0’ that specify major functional components in details for stable provision of various advanced IPTV services, ‘Interoperability Tests Specification for Multimedia conferencing between BcN Operations’ that can contribute realization of low-carbon green ICT, and ‘Terrestrial Data Broadcasting’ that is intended for seamless provision of domestic digital data broadcasting services. Furthermore, the technical assembly re-appointed Doo-hwan Choi, President of KT, as chairman for the next term, and Joon-ho Park, Executive Director of Samsung Electronics, and Hae-won Jung, Director of ETRI, as Vice-Chairmen. During the meeting, presentation was made regarding the current 3D TV technologies and standardization and awards were presented to TTA’s IT standardization committees and their members that showed outstanding performance in 2009 as well as winners of the 5th IT Standardization Thesis Contest, 2009.
