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Acquisition of KOLAS Accreditation for A-GPS and WiMAX Testing

In Oct. 2009, TTA Mobile Communication Testing Team acquired ISO 17025 international testing laboratory qualification for A-GPS/SUPL testing area by KOLAS(Korea Laboratory Accreditation Scheme). The assessors consisting of KOLAS senior assessor and related technical assessors made an on-site assessment of the quality system and testing equipment management ability of TTA Mobile Communication Testing Team 29-30 Sept. 2009. The A-GPS/SUPL feature in mobile phones are developed according to E911 Act of the US FCC and most of North American mobile common carriers request this feature to be included in their new mobile phones. The Team also has plan to be accredited in Dec. 2009 as GCF/PTCRB International Certified Testing Facility. The acquisition of the accreditation will enable TTA to provide efficiently international certification testing services to domestic mobile phone makers.
The team also acquired ISO 17025 International Certified Testing Facility on WiMAX RPT(Radiated Performance Test), RRT(Radio Requirement Test), and NCT(Network Conformance Test) designated by WiMAX Forum in Nov. 2009. RPT measures the radiated performance of antenna in WiMAX terminal (handset, USB dongle, express card type, etc.), RRT measures spectral mask and spurious emission of transmitter and receiver; and NCT measures conformance of WiMAX MAC high-level protocols. These tests are classified as compulsory for WiMAX Forum certification.
