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The 66th Coordination Committee Meeting

The 66th Coordination Committee Meeting
   - 90 new standardization projects adopted

  The 66th Coordination Committee meeting was held at the TTA conference room on June 3, 2008. The agenda for this meeting included abolishing or changing of several project groups and adopting or withdrawing of newly proposed standardization projects.

  The meeting agreed to abolish the Software Component Project Group, which was making little progress, and revised the ToR of seven project groups including the IPv6 project group. In addition, 90 new standardization projects including 'the IPTV Service Requirements 2.0' were adopted.

Moreover, this 66th meeting revised the Guidelines for TTA Standard Preparation and Editing Method to reflect the new operational changes in the Information & Telecommunication Standardization Operation Regulations. This will likely to make the standardization process more efficient by unifying the standardization project proposals form.
