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Revision of Information & Telecommunication Standardization Operation Regulation

As the Technical Committee organizational structure was modified to promote and increase harmonious activities of members and interested parties, the 54th Technical Assembly approved the revised version of the Information & Telecommunication Standardization Operation Regulation to reflect the change. 

Mainly, the revised Operation Regulation clearly identified the scope of TTA Standard, clarified membership status by classifying subcommittee members under the Technical Committees as full member, special member and associate member, permitted formation and operation of Joint Working Group (JWG) to enable joint coordinated study among different project groups, and eased participation criteria for project group activities to include participants from not only project group members but also interested parties.

Moreover, separate clause were also added to accurately and precisely state the procedure for proposing and adapting a standard as well as process for adapting and abolishing standards.

The revised Operation Regulation is available for download at the TTA homepage.
