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TTA Testing and Certification Center signs MoU with NTS

TTA president Won-Sik Kim and NTS(National Technical Systems, U.S.) Vice President and CIO Marvin Hoffman came together at TTA on December 5th 2007 to sign an MoU for strategic partnership agreement. Consequently, TTA's goal toward becoming a global Testing and Certification Center is now even closer as NTS(World renown Testing and Certificating organization)   

The MoU stated that both organizations mutually cooperate on providing international IT testing and certification services. In particular, an agreement was made to provide full collaboration for establishing official certification facility for new technologies. Both NTS and TTA is expected to benefit from this MoU since NTS can broaden its market to Asian region, where as TTA can utilize the global network of NTS. Currently, TTA provides international testing and certification services for 2G/3G wireless communication, Bluetooth, WiMAX, and NTS provides official testing and certification services for USB, IEEE1394, MoCA, and DLNA. The MoU is expected to create interchange of technology and increase service areas, as well as having a firm foundation for TTA to become the global testing and certification authority through collaborated marketing.   

In addition, Testing & Certification services and mutual exchange of experts are expected to be revitalized with the signing of this MoU since TTA had already signed a contract with NTS for "international ZigBee testing and certification" back in May 2006 and has been performing the services since then.
