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TTA signs MoU with World DMB Forum

The Telecommunications Technology Association (TTA: President Kim Won-sik) announced that TTA had signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the World DMB Forum at the 57th World DMB Forum Steering Board that was held in London on the 13th of this June.

The signing of this MoU created a foundation for TTA to form a cooperative alliance with the World DMB to establish global standards for DMB related technology, and to efficiently promote the superiority of domestic terrestrial DMB technology.

World DMB Forum is an organization that has the actual authority in establishing European DMB standards. It has been cooperating with TTA since 2005 when TTA’s Terrestrial Digital Multimedia Broadcasting (TTAS.KO-07.0026) became an ETSI standard, and since then, it has been continually collaborating with TTA regarding the establishment of DMB middleware standards.

The understanding agreement between TTA and World DMB Forum became necessary to preclude the possible hindrance of DMB vitalization as several of World DMB Forum members, such as BBC, developed a new 2nd generation DAB (DAB+) standard that was different from the original DMB audio service and requested it to be added to the ETSI standard (ETSI TS 102 428 V1.1.1) where Korean terrestrial DMB standard was already reflected on.

A group of delegates comprised of TTA terrestrial DMB International Standardization Working Group (Chair: Prof. Kim Yong-han) was dispatched to respond to the new 2nd generation DAB (DAB+) at the World DMB Forum Steering Board and the World DMB Forum decided to recommend the usage of both 2nd generation DAB (DAB+) and DMB in radio and video services without any revision to the current ETSI standard.

The signing of the MoU with the World DMB Forum secured TTA a cooperative basis through which global interoperability of DMB can be achieved.

[Notes] World DMB Forum (Chair: Quentin Howard)
Over a 100 members belong in this forum and among them are the world’s leading DAB/DMB related corporations such as BBC, Microsoft, Sony, JVC, Panasonic, Fujitsu, as well as international standardization organizations such as ITU, ETSI, EBU. This forum is mainly involved with distribution and PR management of Eureka-147 based DAB/DMB services. This forum also plays a leading role in the international DAB/DMB sector by deciding on the standard that the World DAB Forum will use through standardization conferences and adopting it as an ETSI standard. Currently TTA, ETRI, Samsung Electronics, LGE and KBS from Korea are active members of this forum.
