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Promotion of Terrestrial DMB RF Testing & Certification

On June 22nd, 2007, the Telecommunications Technology Association (President Kim Won-sik) will propose guidelines for the standardization of terrestrial DMB receivers and will begin a certification service that will determine whether a receiver fulfills the basic RF performance standards.

The factors which will be tested are channel tuning, the RF input connector, the highest and lowest input signal levels, as well as adjacent DMB channel rejection.

The service will confirm if the DMB receivers currently out on the market satisfy the minimum performance requirements needed in order to receive A/V signals and will mark products that have satisfied requirements with a certification mark. This is done to minimize consumer claims and to support the healthy growth of the DMB receiver manufacture industry.

Aside from the RF certification test, the Telecommunications Technology Association is preparing testing and certification services to evaluate broadcast web services, slide shows, A/V connection data services (BIFS), traffic and travel information services (TTI using TPEG), as well as a variety of other technologies. Also, the Telecommunications Technology Association is preparing a testing & certification service in cooperation with the Terrestrial DMB Special Committee, a committee of terrestrial DMB businesses, and other DMB receiver manufacturers to assure the compatibility of various DMB products and for the promotion of broadcasting services.
