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Mr. Kim Won Sik, President of TTA Presents theVision of TTA at His Inaugural Ceremony (January 29, 2007)

On Monday, January 29, TTA held an inaugural ceremony for the 8th President of TTA, Mr. Kim Won Sik, in the TTA grand conference room.

Mr. Kim said that what TTA achieved in standardization and testing & certification in areas such as WiBro and terrestrial DMB has played a decisive role in helping related services and industries to successfully take root in Korea and played a leading role in creating global export markets. He also expressed his gratitude to the standardization committees and the employees of TTA for their efforts.

The new president of TTA, however, said with emphasis that, as IT is merging with other various areas, such as BT, NT, culture and education in recent years, TTA needs to cope with the new environment, and presented the following objectives in order for TTA to become a 'world recognized leading standardization and testing & certification organization.'

First, reinforcement of the strategic planning function

  • We will deploy the 'Select and Focus' strategy in potentially successful areas by efficiently utilizing competencies and resources.


Second, reinforcement of international standardization

  • We will serve as anemoscope for industries providing information on market trends to help the domestic industries to pioneer new markets, and also compete and cooperate with overseas standardization organizations.

Third, customer-oriented service

  • TTA's top customer is the IT industry, and we will work hard to satisfy our customers and meet their needs.

Fourth, systematization of the business 

  • We will focus on simplification, standardization, professionalization and automation to create great result with the least amount of effort.

Fifth, creation of TTA pride

  • Since the IT industry, accounting for 15% of GDP and 35% of exports in Korea, will lead the development of the country, and standardization is the most important factor of IT, TTA and other interested parties will join hands to make TTA a great place to work.