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IPTV, next-generation PC new project group going full steam ahead
The IPTV project group, which will establish domestic standards related to IPTV, was created under the Telecommunication Technical Committee (TC2) of TTA and held its first meeting at the ETRI Seoul Office on April 18th. At this meeting more than 30 IPTV experts from businesses preparing IPTV services and manufacturers were present. An agreement was reached that efforts would be made to establish the urgently needed IPTV set-top box interoperability requirements, service scenario and middleware platform specifications as group standards in early 2007. The newly elected chairman, Professor Choi Jun-Gyun (ICU), is playing a central role in this initiative and TTA will move quickly on the standardization of these specifications.
In particular, the IPTV project group is planning to actively respond to the international standardization activities of the IPTV Focus Group within ITU-T. The project group will try its best to help make Korea's IPTV technical standard the international standard by identifying trends in foreign IPTV technologies and standardization initiatives, and securing the working-level chair, including the rapporteur, at the first plenary session of IPTV FG (7/10-14, Geneva, Switzerland).

The next-generation PC project group was newly installed under the IT Application technical Committee (TC4) and held its first meeting on May 17th. At this meeting, 15 experts from service providers, such as KT, Samsung Electronics, ETRI, ANPI (Association of Next Generation PC Industry), manufacturers, research institutes and academia were present. The head of ETRI Next-Generation PC Research Group, Mr. Han Dong-Won, was named as the chairman for this project group. The next-generation PC project group will work on standardization of wearable networks to implement POST PCs, five-sense information, platforms, system S/W technology, etc.