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The 47th Technical Assembly

- 3 TTA standards approved


The 47th Technical Assembly was held via letter ballot from 2006 February 28th to March 14th. Total of 3 standards were approved as TTA standards.

The approved standards are 'Mutual Authentication Mechanism based for 2.3GHz band Portable Internet Service', 'RFID Privacy Protection Guideline' and 'Adult Certification for Mobile RFID Services'.


The 'Mutual Authentication Mechanism based for 2.3GHz band Portable Internet Service' and 'RFID Privacy Protection Guideline' prohibits record-keeping and tag-recording of private information and thus providing protection of any disclosure of private and personal information. The 'Adult Certification for Mobile RFID Service' standard enforces the use of adult verification process while using mobile services to prevent minors from possibly accessing adult content services.
